This past week MSc graduates, Lisa Malan and Ansuya Chetty (pictured above) returned to their alma mater, UCT, where they each presented to the Biomedical Forensic Science students about some of the pretty exciting career paths available to STEM graduates. The session began with A/Prof. Laura Heathfield providing valuable information on the many career options beyond the traditional DNA lab. Lisa and Ansuya then shared details about their career paths and current jobs, discussed some of the challenges they faced along the way, and offered valuable advice on the skills and resilience needed in the 'real world'. We asked Lisa and Ansuya to reflect on some of the highlights of their presentation this week.
Read their thoughts below

A/Prof. Laura Heathfield shared an infogram (above) with the group,
illustrating the diverse fields that can be entered into with an Hons/MSc in Biomedical Forensic Sciences.
