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The African Forensic Science Vision: Reflections on #4FDNAS

This insightful article written by A/Prof. Aaron Amankwaa offers perspectives from our 4th Forensic DNA Symposium, recently held in Livingstone, Zambia in an article entitled ‘The African Forensic Science Vision: Reflections on the 4th Forensic DNA Symposium’.Aaron's words encapsulate the spirit and intent of the event:'Reflecting on the discussions at the Symposium, the intense passion and enthusiasm to drive forensic science capacity in the region and promote international collaboration made it clear that there is a need to establish what I call an African Forensic Science Vision.'The article examines five key areas at the national and local levels to not only achieve consistency in forensic practices across our region but also to ensure that forensic results from one country are recognised as reliable in another, thereby encouraging and facilitating forensic science capacity building in Africa.


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