In a recent article, the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) unveiled a set of nomenclature recommendations for short tandem repeat (STR) sequences. These recommendations build upon the 2016 considerations of the DNA Commission of the ISFG and have been enriched with insights gathered from subsequent research and population studies. While ensuring backward compatibility with the existing CE data in national DNA databases, this report also embraces the future by establishing minimum sequence reporting ranges to facilitate cross-laboratory comparisons. It introduces automated solutions for sequence-based allele designations, offers a comprehensive array of resources to support bioinformatic development, provides guidance for characterising new STR loci, and addresses the incorporation of STR sequences and other novel markers into investigative databases. Read more here: Recommendations of the DNA Commission of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (ISFG) on Short Tandem Repeat sequence nomenclature Forensic Science International: Genetics, 2023
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Our goal is to help find solution based action in the fight against crime.
Through our experienced forensic DNA experts and key opinion leaders, we offer the data and policy information needed to make DNA database strategy decisions in the following ways:
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
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