Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) is a technique that involves uploading genotypes developed from perpetrator DNA left at a crime scene, or DNA from unidentified remains, to public genetic genealogy databases to identify genetic relatives and, through the creation of a family tree, the individual who was the source of the DNA. As policymakers demonstrate interest in regulating IGG, it is important to understand public perspectives on IGG to determine whether proposed policies are aligned with public attitudes.
PICTURE: Investigate Genetics
While not yet as extensively utilised in Africa as it is in the USA, this article suggests that there is broad public support for IGG and an interest in developing systems of accountability for its practice. As we will no doubt have to navigate IGG in our region in the future, this article provides useful insights for policymakers, DNA database stewards, law enforcement, and other stakeholders interested in utilising IGG's practices. It also suggests multiple directions for future research.