Our goal is to help find solution based action in the fight against crime.
Through our experienced forensic DNA experts and key opinion leaders, we offer the data and policy information needed to make DNA database strategy decisions in the following ways:
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Vanessa Lynch, Regional Director of DNAforAfrica as she talks about the mission behind DNAforAfrica and her thoughts on how Africa can benefit from using DNA and DNA Databases to solve crime and assist victims of crime and GBV.
Congratulations to our #MyVoiceForJustice 2022 winners:
Dr John Mungai & Ms Malaika Oringo in joint first place,
with Adv. Bonnie Currie-Gamwo as runner up, followed closely by Innocent, Yahaya, Wangu and Lisa.
We received thousands of votes and it was such a close call for our 7 nominees,
so we called on a panel of experts for final contributions. The incredible commitment, courage and the contribution you are all making in Africa to promote justice and human rights efforts with forensic DNA is exceptional.
Thank you to everyone who participated in voting and of course to all the nominees - Our community is behind you all the way!

Bonnie is Special Director of Public Prosecutions: Sexual Offences and Community Affairs Unit, South Africa.
Cape Town born and bred, Bonnie is a force to witness, fighting to restore justice and dignity to sexual violence and murder victims.
Decades of experience has culminated in her design and set up of the Thuthuzela Care Centre, a model for one-stop centres around the country that have proven effective in ensuring victims can become survivors through access to holistic support and criminal justice.
She has recently collaborated with the private sector by establishing partnerships with the likes of SPAR, in order to raise awareness of GBVF and we look forward to working with her in 2023 to further support her initiatives.
The Visionary
Adv Bonnie Currie-Gamwo

The Reformer
Mr Innocent Makasa
And our final #MyVoiceForJustice 2022 Nominee is Innocent Makasa is Chief Forensic Analyst for the National Forensic Science and Biometrics Department in the Ministry of Home Affairs in Zambia.
Instrumental in the development of forensic science in Zambia, Innocent's research on DNA databases can help establish more effective strategies in crime management across Africa and has presented his solutions at our DNA events.
A much admired and respected forensic scientist who uses his knowledge to serve justice, Innocent is also doing his PHD in Forensic Genetics at the University of Cape Town.
Dr John Mungai is one of the pioneers of the Forensic DNA laboratories in the East African region where he served as Government Chemist for three decades.
A member of the Task force spearheading the implementation of the sexual offences Act in 2006, Dr Mungai initiated the Forensic DNA laboratory for the Kenya defence forces and has helped develop a curriculum for the forensic evidence management in counter-terrorism cases.
The Pioneer
Dr John Mungai

In many countries, GBVF investigations and prosecutions are very rare – often because of a lack of available evidence.
Lisa and Wangu have collaborated to come up with a solution for low resource areas like Kenya, to overcome the challenges in collecting, preserving and analysing DNA evidence in cases of sexual violence.
Their project - a low cost, easy to use and environmentally friendly self-analysis rape kit - highlights the benefits of a sustainable partnership approach to tackling complex global justice issue.
The Braveheart
The Problem-solver
Lady Wangu Kanja
Leading women's rights activist in Kenya, Lady Wangu is recognised for her extraordinary efforts as a role model promoting the empowerment of Kenyan women and girls.
A sexual violence survivor, she set up the Wangu Kanja Foundation to amplify the voices of women survivors to access comprehensive care and support.
Wangu Kanja was awarded the title Lady, rank of a Knight of the Order of the Star of Italy in 2022.
Prof. Lisa Smith
Professor Lisa Smith, Professor of Criminology at Leicester University, works at the interface between forensic science, psychology and the law.
Her research focuses on judicial decision making and the role of forensic science in the criminal justice process but she is now focusing her attention on how to better use forensic science to fight the injustice of sexual violence in low-resource environments.
Malaika Oringo from Uganda is a voice for human-trafficking survivors, of which she is one.
For the past 17 years, Malaika has been involved in fighting this crime as a global consultant and advisory board member.
Her message is that freedom is more than the moment of exiting from slavery; it is an ongoing journey requiring continuous support from all stakeholders including survivor leaders and her current work is focused on facilitating a united survivor network in East Africa.
The Uplifter
Ms Malaika Oringo

Yahaya Sumara Sulley is a Ghanaian forensic scientist from the University for Development Studies' Department of Forensic Sciences in Tamale. His work includes outreach, advocacy, policy calls, and research related to forensic sciences and sustainable development goal 16.
Yahaya founded the Forensic Science Outreach Ghana (FSOGH) the first of its kind in Ghana, where he serves as a mentor to the next generation and raises public awareness of forensic science, as well as the Chairman of "The Confident Scientist" where he curates content concerning forensic and DNA sciences.
The Mentor
Mr Yahaya Sumara Sulley